There is something about Thai food that is so pleasing to the palate, especially for us Indians. Its probably the type of cooking that is so reminiscent of ours. Their curries, spices and tastes is so seemingly similar...but yet so very different. Its what makes Thai food so popular everywhere. In a recent visit to Bangkok, we got a chance to taste the street food that is so popular there.
Different type of Noodles displayed
As soon as the sun sets,the food vendors bring out their carts and set them up on the streets and pretty soon it gets crowded. All the locals eat here, and we as tourists will eat where the locals eat..that's the key to grabbing some good food. You see Thai people in a Thai restaurant,you know the food is good.In Bangkok, there is no need to shell out big bucks or go to some fancy shmancy restaurant to eat a three course meal.It is all here on the street.From starters like chicken satay on a stick, steamed pork balls to entrees like noodles and pad
thai to desserts like jellies, custards and fruits ...they had it all.

So we gorged on the staggering array of eatables we found at each and every stall and topped it off with some fresh fruits.
mangoosteens are in abundance here and sold at every nook and corner by the street vendors.

The most appealing part of Bangkok to me was not the high scale restaurants or the palaces or the age old relics and temples - it was the street food.I have always loved street food and its authenticity.In all its simplicity,it defines the culture of the people and the country . I would
definitely visit Bangkok again just to savor the delicious street food ...cause there's nothing more satisfying than food so simple and authentic...and
of course cheap !!!